A Wonder-Filled Year
Bear and I would like to wish you a Very Happy New Year!
Pour yourself “a sly thumb of rye” and join us as we listen to music that affected us this year.
Click on the whisky for details.
Bear and I would like to wish you a Very Happy New Year!
Pour yourself “a sly thumb of rye” and join us as we listen to music that affected us this year.
Click on the whisky for details.
“The Doors’ mildly profane and drug-tinged lyrics would rattle out of the tinny speaker over and over, until Dad stomped on the floor and told me to “Go To Bed!”
Click on the 45 for details…
I bought a CD, which began a love affair that has not faded.
Nashville and Country music are synonymous; a little
rough around the edges, with a big, warm heart.
Click on the Grand Old Opry to Download….