Relatively Young
The Giant Redwood Tree behind us could be one Grandpa and Grandma saw on their honeymoon.
Click on the tiny people for details.
Humongous Fungus
“Size Matters” – a Quiz.
Click on the mushroom of your choice and take the test.
An Icon of Reckless Bad-Assery
I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die…
Click on the reckless bad-ass for details.
Joshua Tree
Gram Parsons came to the desert with friends to relax and write music. It didn’t end well.
Click on the talented musician for details.
A Monkey’s Uncle
“Travels with Charlie, in Search of America”, backwards.
Click on the monkey and his nephew for details.
When the Light Goes Out
It seems serendipitous that a life-altering event happened simultaneously with a total eclipse of the sun.
Click on the sun and the moon for details.
Carved in Stone
When this school was erected in 1910, education was segregated by gender.
Click on the entrance girls were expected to use for details.
Going Nowhere in Particular
When you combine lift and thrust, you get a ride to wherever you want to go.
Click on the chief pilot and he will explain the details.
One God Further
Where did this come from?
Click on the mountains for a few possibilities.
Hollow Vessels
Earl Paton arrived in the world amid the worst economic and agricultural disasters Canada has ever known.
Click on the boy holding the reins for details.
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Rivers of Babylon
In the Rastafarian faith, the term “Babylon” is used as a euphemism for slavery. Click on the Rastafarian-Reggae-Disco-Funk band for details … Read more