Blue Eyes, and a Touch of Larceny
The inspector took one look at the rank horse, closed the door, and said, “Well, these seem healthy enough.”
So, It Is.
Florence Bekker was seven years old, and about to leave the only home she had ever known.
Amana techs discovered that micro-wave technology, designed as a weapon, could cook your dinner.
Bones Turn to Dust
“That wind’s gonna blow tomorrow, Just like it blow’d today” – Joe Ely
Canadian Ace
The crash near Newton Iowa was the end of the line for a long string of gangsters.
No, It’s Iowa
It is about hopes and dreams, and the fear of growing old without achieving something.
The Day the Music Died
“Well, that’ll be the day, When you say goodbye” – Richie Valens
Willie the Rat Jr.
Nobody in Kansas City got a drink, a building permit, or a roll in the hay unless the mob got a cut.
Faced Towards the Future
“Still… If I had gone back when I was supposed to, I would have had no life in Canada and wouldn’t be sitting here writing this over-long letter” – Helen Shepherd
Browse the Index above to view 350+ Archived Posts
Welcome to Arcola!
You can almost hear the sound of the children’s boots on the heavy plank sidewalk. Click on either Arcola resident for details… Read more
Rivers of Babylon
In the Rastafarian faith, the term “Babylon” is used as a euphemism for slavery. Click on the Rastafarian-Reggae-Disco-Funk band for details … Read more