Blame It on the Nisse
We have a Nisse living in our house, a mischievous imp who hides my stuff.
Do It Soon
We didn’t go to hear an old man sing, we went to witness a legend
It Will Come Around Again
I am privileged to be among what is now the oldest living generation of the Wells family.
When Kerchunking Was Normal
In 1986 Amazon was a river, and the only mouse involved was one I chased out from behind the storage container.
You’re Not Alone
“My love life has been rocky, but it makes for good song writing” – Ian Tyson
On The Menu
It came as a shock to see this nocturnal visitor, stalking prey right under our bedroom window.
Overripe Bananas
This story involves a Russian immigrant, a boatload of bananas, and a corrupt Central American government.
The Separator
Guernsey trundled to her stall and put her face in the hay without so much as a “Thank You”.
The Ex
Finding the Humour in a Very Unflattering Family Photo…
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Welcome to Arcola!
You can almost hear the sound of the children’s boots on the heavy plank sidewalk. Click on either Arcola resident for details… Read more
Rivers of Babylon
In the Rastafarian faith, the term “Babylon” is used as a euphemism for slavery. Click on the Rastafarian-Reggae-Disco-Funk band for details … Read more