Home to Africa
It will take about 20 hours to fly from Calgary to Johannesburg, a relatively brief journey when you consider that the outbound leg of the trip took 200,000 years.
I Will See Africa
My fascination with Africa began during a Saskatchewan blizzard.
Click on the African sky for details…
Making Big Rocks into Little Rocks
If customers couldn’t crush gravel for lack of manganese cones, they couldn’t make payments on their loans.
The Fine and Dandy Club
Arcola’s Fuller Brush Man was a charismatic character, he reminded me of Guy Smiley, from the Muppets.
Abbey Road
I need your help solving a mystery – there are prizes.
Here Comes the Sun
“Here comes the sun, and I say, it’s all right” – The Beatles
Lang May Yer Lum Reek
We have a wood-burning stove, two fat lazy chairs, and some leftover eggnog; it should be a great evening.
Hopeless Infatuation
I bought a CD, which began a love affair that has not faded.
Forgotten Island Wine
Thomas Jefferson toasted the signing of The Declaration of Independence with a glass of Madeira wine.
Brass Monkey
It turns out, the phrase has nothing to do with monkey junk.
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Wide and Deep
There is more going on in this picture than it seems. Click on any one of the subjects for details. Read more