Colonial Past
Smoke That Thunders
Damn You, Rohan Vos!
When everything is predicable and safe, where’s the fun in that?
U of CPR
My first ride on a train was in an empty boxcar of a grain freighter.
It was a disaster.
Dancing in the Street
For 60% of southern Africans, traditional medicine is the only treatment available.
The Beloved Country
In every field of endeavour there is an expert.
The Tikoloshe Under The Bed
When one Zulu meets another he will ask; Inkaba yakho iphi?, literally “where is your navel?”
None Were Victorious
Mphiwa lost two great grandfathers in the Anglo-Zulu conflict.
One Hundred Cows
The custom of negotiating lobolo, (a bride-price), seems like a tradition worthy of consideration in the western world.
Dreamers and Poets and Clowns
“If only I could travel faster than the speed of light, I could be there in a year or two”.
The Elvis of Anthropology
Homo Naledi lived in the Rising Star Cave System, northwest of Johannesburg.
Click on Naledi’s frontal lobe for the whole story…..
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Welcome to Arcola!
You can almost hear the sound of the children’s boots on the heavy plank sidewalk. Click on either Arcola resident for details… Read more
Rivers of Babylon
In the Rastafarian faith, the term “Babylon” is used as a euphemism for slavery. Click on the Rastafarian-Reggae-Disco-Funk band for details … Read more