The Eye of a Needle
Camel poop is so dry it can be used as fuel immediately after dropping, and other things I learned in the desert.
Click on the handsome beast for more information.
The mineral ingredient that gives make-up luminescence is mined near Merzouga.
Click on the model for details …
Wide and Deep
There is more going on in this picture than it seems.
Click on any one of the subjects for details.
Gold, Salt, and Slaves
Ait Benhaddou was a trans-Saharan trading post on the Timbuktu to Marrakesh trail.
Click on the road sign for directions.
Come With Me to the Casbah
Pepe’ le Moco and Pépé le Pew uttered these words to woo the women they loved.
Click on the entrance to the Marrakech casbah and follow Pepe’ and Pépé to their romantic destination.
Barbary Pirates
“Come with me to Barbary
We’ll ply there up and down
Not quite exactly
In the service of the Crown”
“Privateering” – Mark Knopfler
Click on the pirate for a mix of Madeira stories…
Chasing Waterfalls
The photo on the left was taken in Madeira, Portugal in 1956. Today we went looking for the location, at the request of the little boy.
Click on his bare feet for details.
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Rivers of Babylon
In the Rastafarian faith, the term “Babylon” is used as a euphemism for slavery. Click on the Rastafarian-Reggae-Disco-Funk band for details … Read more