166 Years Ago
Bear and I were the only residents of Belmont on Friday. We reclined in splendid rooms appointed with period art and furniture.
Click on the mansion and join us in the ballroom.
Or Do We?
We don’t have familial links in this part of the world.
Or do we?
Click on the map to find out….
What the Heck!
Sam Hill had a reputation of being blasphemous and obscene.
Click on the irate southerner for the full story….
Getting a Divorce
I have castrated a pig and milked cows by hand regularly. I have also negotiated contracts with investment bankers in Toronto, Minneapolis, and New York. The perspectives of both Jed Clampett and Milburn Drysdale are familiar to me.
Click on either Beverly Hillbilly for details….
Blue Moon
I know it’s nerdy, but I am going to spend the evening of August 30th watching the blue moon and listening to 25 different versions of the song by the same name.
Click on the Moon for the full story …
On the B-Side
“The Doors’ mildly profane and drug-tinged lyrics would rattle out of the tinny speaker over and over, until Dad stomped on the floor and told me to “Go To Bed!”
Click on the 45 for details…
Mandolin Wind
Driving a car once owned by Rod Stewart is about as close to stardom as I will ever get.
Click on Maggie May for details…
This Towering Cumulus cloud was an armed fortress obstructing my flight into Carlyle.
Click on the Golden Retriever for details….
Time Machine
The young man with his hands on his hips in this photo built a Time Machine in about 1968.
Click on the physics prodigy for details.
Browse the Index above to view 350+ Archived Posts
Welcome to Arcola!
You can almost hear the sound of the children’s boots on the heavy plank sidewalk. Click on either Arcola resident for details… Read more
Rivers of Babylon
In the Rastafarian faith, the term “Babylon” is used as a euphemism for slavery. Click on the Rastafarian-Reggae-Disco-Funk band for details … Read more