Hollow Vessels
Earl Paton arrived in the world amid the worst economic and agricultural disasters Canada has ever known.
Click on the boy holding the reins for details.
No Ice-Cream
The trauma of childhood dentistry is deeply ingrained.
Click on your worst nightmare for details.
The Trans-Ukrainian Railroad
My voice and most of my other senses, were drowned out by the sound of 10,000 horse-power bursting to life.
Click on the CPR engine and hop on for the ride.
The Greatest Canadian
Tommy Douglas gained his status as The Greatest Canadian by practicing a “roll up your sleeves, get to work, and make a better world”, variety of socialism.
Click on Tommy’s smiling face or broken nose for details.
Two of Sedley’s citizens defended their principals and died in the process.
Click on any member of the community for details.
Bud’s Miraculous Recovery
Despite the deep freeze, residents suffering from cabin fever and thirsting for human contact, ventured out of their dwellings and made their way to the High House.
Click on the High House Saloon for details.
A Legend is Born
“Why’nt we have a little contest?” Marvin slurred.
Click on the empty saloon to see who wins.
Gordie Howe
As I crossed the threshold of the porch, reality stayed behind on Claire Street, and I entered a world apart.
Click here for a shoemaker’s prediction.
Country Squire
“I bet you can’t get this thing over 80 mph by the railroad tracks.”
Click on the Ford for a reckless ride.
The Bonus
“So, Charlie, are you pleading Guilty or Not Guilty?”
Click on the gavel to see how Charlie pleads.
Browse the Index above to view 350+ Archived Posts
Welcome to Arcola!
You can almost hear the sound of the children’s boots on the heavy plank sidewalk. Click on either Arcola resident for details… Read more
Rivers of Babylon
In the Rastafarian faith, the term “Babylon” is used as a euphemism for slavery. Click on the Rastafarian-Reggae-Disco-Funk band for details … Read more