Dreamers and Poets and Clowns
“If only I could travel faster than the speed of light, I could be there in a year or two”.
“If only I could travel faster than the speed of light, I could be there in a year or two”.
Homo Naledi lived in the Rising Star Cave System, northwest of Johannesburg.
Click on Naledi’s frontal lobe for the whole story…..
“The Lion Sleeps Tonight” is arguably the most popular South African song of all time.
Click, carefully, on the Lion.
I came away from the experience with the sense that, despite the difficult reality of living in Africa, there is a wholesomeness to life here.
Together, we will take trains, planes, and automobiles across three southern African countries.
Follow the blue line to Africa…
It will take about 20 hours to fly from Calgary to Johannesburg, a relatively brief journey when you consider that the outbound leg of the trip took 200,000 years.
Click on the wing tip for details.
My fascination with Africa began during a Saskatchewan blizzard.
Click on the African sky for details…
If customers couldn’t crush gravel for lack of manganese cones, they couldn’t make payments on their loans.
Click on the chemical element Mn for details…
We have a wood-burning stove, two fat lazy chairs, and some leftover eggnog; it should be a great evening.
I bought a CD, which began a love affair that has not faded.