Dead Ted’s
For a very modest price Ted dispensed Courage, Intelligence and Love; Ted was a veritable Wizard of Oz.
Click on the star for a link to “Dead Ted’s Bar”.
For a very modest price Ted dispensed Courage, Intelligence and Love; Ted was a veritable Wizard of Oz.
Click on the star for a link to “Dead Ted’s Bar”.
Albatrosses are said to be the reincarnated souls of dead sailors.
Click on this mariner spirit for details…
“If you go to the Galápagos with bad intentions, the tortoise will curse you.”
Click respectfully on the Giant Tortoise, for details.
Some of the greatest empires on earth once existed twenty meters below our feet.
Click on the Incan princess for details.
Bear and I split up today, one of us went to the southern hemisphere, the other stayed in the north, but we both spent the day in the sun.
Click on the one who didn’t wear sunscreen.
This rooster killed a man in Quito.
Click on Gallito De Quito for details.
“In 272km, turn right.”
Click on the straight line for a winter tour of the Great Plains.
A poncho is a wardrobe alternative I hadn’t considered until we decided to travel to Ecuador.
Click on this selection of traditional Ecuadorian attire for details…
Ecuador is home to a tribe of Uncontacted People.
Click on either of the happy ladies on the left for details….