Living in Alberta
What message do these flags convey to our children and grandchildren, passing by on the school bus?
What message do these flags convey to our children and grandchildren, passing by on the school bus?
What is the greatest love story ever written? Romeo and Juliette? Evangeline? Or something more contemporary?
Click on the country lovers for their choice, and mine.
For the second time this week, Bear and I forged a trail into the unknown. Please join us on our journey, beyond the dragons.
Click on the Polycephalic creature for details…
We were fortunate to capture rare photographs of Alberta dinosaurs as they hunted in the coulees of Dinosaur Provincial Park.
Click on the aspiring palaeontologists for details.
In a single day of getting reacquainted, we shared family, friendships, pride of community, life, love and loss.
Follow Lilydale Road for details….
Doc Ricketts wasn’t in when I tried the door, he was probably over at Lee Chong’s getting beer.
Click on the Cannery Row tourist for details….
I was only moderately surprised that the dog could talk.
Click on the French Poodle for details.
Every song The Rolling Stones have ever done has an edgy “mother would not approve” quality.
Click on the Hackney Diamonds album and join us for a tour.
… and other things my dad taught me.
Click the photo for details…
Happy Father’s Day!