The Fortunate Isles
The magnificent tree on the left was planted in 1870, nineteen years before Frederik Bekker landed on the Azores.
Click on the Metrosidero tree for the full story.
The magnificent tree on the left was planted in 1870, nineteen years before Frederik Bekker landed on the Azores.
Click on the Metrosidero tree for the full story.
The trip we are on today is an exploratory journey. We won’t be conducting experiments on butterflies, plants or mice in an orbiting space lab, but we hope to discover things that elude us while we are at home.
Click on the life cycle diagram for details…
Bear and I would like to wish you a Very Happy New Year!
Pour yourself “a sly thumb of rye” and join us as we listen to music that affected us this year.
Click on the whisky for details.
The red dot on this map is where the S/S Danmark sank in 1889.
My Danish great-grandfather was aboard that ship. Fred Bekker survived the ordeal and spent time on the Azores Islands waiting for transport to America.
Click on the dot for details….
The people of Catalonia have a curious Christmas tradition.
Click on the Caganer for details….
Going to the doctor isn’t much fun, but an optometrist! I have been looking forward to this.
Click on the phoropter for details….
My brother Brad and I learned driving skills early. Despite treacherous weather conditions, we both stayed on the road this week.
Click on either of the seasoned drivers for details…
I would like to introduce you to some of my cousins.
Click on the pink one for details….
My siblings and I are visiting our cousins on Vancouver Island this weekend. We expect to uncover treasure while we are there.
Click on either Wells cousin to join us.
A trip to Vancouver Island is always interesting, especially for a bunch of Prairie Gophers.
Click on the displaced Flatlanders for details.