Upside Down Darwin

Posted in: Science and Reason, Travel | 0

Puerto Ayora, Galápagos, Ecuador

A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life.” 

Charles Darwin

My offer to bring home as many iguanas/lizards as you want came up empty, but here are a few anyway.

Ecuadorians, doing what Ecuadorians do; buying pineapples from a truck, taking the family for a ride, transporting livestock, or enjoying a siesta.

GalápaDad Joke:

Q: Why do Galápagos Flamingos stand on one leg?

A: Because, if they lift the other one they will fall over.

Male Frigate Bird, Blue-footed Boobies, Galápagos Dove, Darwin Finch.

 “You guard the back door; I’ll get the front”.

Random Galápagos Gallery

Charles Darwin

Upside Down Darwin

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