Jail Time

Montana State Prison

Many of you are familiar with the third member of our household, Furry Gus McFuzzywuzFurgus for short.  Those of you who know him well are familiar with his docile ways.  Furgus sleeps 3/4 of the day, he can’t catch a mouse, and he won’t poop if left alone.  Furgus sits on the counter at his discretion, he wants in when he is out, and out when he is in.  

Which is why you might find it surprising that he kept me out of jail today, on a charge of drug smuggling!

I will get back to that later…..

While I was tucking something away under the back seat of my truck today, I found this vial, containing a green organic substance.  I haven’t used marijuana in a long time (not since it was made legal), so my immediate reaction was someone else must have dropped it there, or the vial was planted in my truck by someone, for some nefarious purpose

I really had no idea how it got there, but I was very concerned about the consequences of having random cannabis in my truck.  It isn’t the end of the world to possess organic green substances in Canada, but we are planning a trip to Montana and Idaho soon and the Americans frown on that type of stuff crossing their border.  I had visions of being detained by US Border Patrol agents, and accused of running a Canadian drug cartel. 

If they found more of the substance in my possession I might be arrested and thrown in jail with El Chapo.

I took the vial into the house and showed it to Bear.  She was as perplexed as I was.  We opened the cap, and each took a sniff.  The smell wasn’t like what I remember when I was going through my Cheech and Chong phase many years ago.

Bear took a whiff and I saw a look of recognition cross her face.

Several months ago, Bear bought a scratching pad for His Royal Highness.  (He uses it to sharpen his claws so he can shred the furniture with greater ease.)  The pad was supposed to come with a supply of catnip, but it wasn’t in the box when Bear opened it.  She never thought much of it and never bothered to tell me about it.

We scattered a little of the dry contents on Furgus’ place mat (yes, he has one, under his many treat bowls).  For the first time in weeks, Furgus showed some spirit.  His eyes lit up, then glazed over as he sniffed, not marijuana, but the missing Catnip.

Thanks to Furgus positively identifying, and taking ownership of his recovered stash, I am no longer facing …

… Jail Time.

My Hero

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