Extra Hour

November 5, 2023 – Your Time Zone

Having trouble deciding how to spend your extra hour today? Here are a few suggestions……

1) Use the entire hour to reset clocks (or don’t, they will catch up in the spring).

2) Sit on The Dock of the Bay and watch time slip away.

3) Visit somebody in a Care Home.

4) Take a dog for a long walk.

5) Sleep.

6) Lay in bed and don’t sleep.

7) Change the batteries in the smoke alarms.

8) Play piano.

9) Make pancakes.

10) Floss your teeth.

11) Listen to Time in a Bottle by Jim Croce.

12) Plan a party.

13) Make a snowman.

14) Clean the vacuum bin.

15) Watch the sun come up.

16) Watch the sun go down.

17) Change the furnace filter.

18) Call your siblings.

19) Recycle expired pantry items.

20) Play a board game.

21) Take old clothes to Goodwill.

22) Pull something out of the To Do List and do it.

23) Make Love.

24) Wind the old Mantle Clock and see if it still works.

25) Find a picture of your brother in his first car and send it to him.

26) Figure out what all those abbreviations the kids use mean: L8R, BRB, IMHO, IRL, LH6, …

27) Repeat item #22 (or #23 if you have the stamina).

28) Set the clock back with Iwan Rheon: Changing Times.

29) Stay in Saskatchewan and don’t change the time.

30) Put your left foot in, take your left foot out, Do the Hokey Pokey, etc…

31) Watch a rerun of Get Smart.

32) Buy a houseplant.

33) Meditate or scream, whatever makes you feel good.

34) Put all your i-Devices in a drawer for an hour.

35) Get an oil change.

36) Identify a star constellation.

37) Figure out what this means; it shouldn’t take more than an hour:

38) Go to an Antique Mall.

39) Buy a May 1979 Reader’s Digest and learn about Nixon’s pardon.

40) Take a close look at an icicle.

41) Make Clean-Out-The-Fridge Salsa.

42) Write a Christmas Wish List and save your loved ones the challenge.

43) Go through the photo collection and see what you were doing 20 years ago.

Essex Office Party

44) And, last year…

Alberta Paton Clan Gathering

45) Examine a piece of art and try to figure out what it means.

46) Clean the cat litter box.

47) Spend an hour outside the box, whatever that means to you.

48) Read an Opinion piece in a newspaper you wouldn’t normally take the time to peruse.

49) Write a Top 50 List.


50). Go to Emergency and have a foreign object taken out of your toe, which is not recommended, but that is how I intend to spend my …

… extra hour.

How will you spend your extra hour? Let us know in the Comments.

3 Responses

  1. Rho

    Doesn’t sound like a pleasant way to spend your extra hour, Russ. Sure hope that you’re okay and that your toe is intact. Hugs.

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