King Henry’s Powder Horn

Posted in: History, Travel | 2

June 29, 2023 – Kendal, UK

King Henry VIII was having trouble producing an heir.  Of course, being king, it couldn’t be his fault, so he married six successive wives, whose fate went something like this:

Divorced … Beheaded … Died … Divorced … Beheaded … Survived.

Catherine Parr was the one who “survived”.  

Catherine Parr, Queen of England and Ireland, was born at this castle in Kendal in about 1512.

When Henry VIII died in 1547 leaving her a widow, Catherine grieved for a couple of days then married Thomas Seymour.  

Catherine and Thomas soon produced an heir, proving categorically, that dampness affected … 

… King Henry’s powder horn.

When Henry VIII died in 1547 leaving Catherine Parr a widow, she grieved for a couple of days then remarried. 

Click on Henry’s horn for the full story.

What Henry lacked in utility; he made up for with machismo.

2 Responses

  1. GG

    And there is Rick Waksman’s great (1970s?} album, the Six Wives of Henry VIII.

    • Russ Paton

      I had to look that one up. Obviously, the site I borrowed D-B-D-D-B-S from borrowed it from Mr. Waksman….

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