Dream Day

Maybe November 25, 2022 – Calgary, Alberta (I think)

I did my good deed for the day, before I woke up.

I went to bed early last night, woke in the middle of the night for an hour or so, then fell back to sleep – my usual routine. When I fell asleep the second time I had a dream – a blurry/lucid dream.

There was a long counter at an outdoor event, and I was standing beside it.  I have no idea where, or what the event was. Some of my siblings and other people were also there.  As we were chatting, two young boys approached – cute kids with blonde hair, one a little older than the other.

The younger of the boys asked if I knew how to get into the box on the back of “that” building, pointing to an apartment block nearby.  For some reason I knew the building and the box he was talking about.  It was a blue lock box, about the size of a car battery, mounted by the back door, with the word “Information” printed on it.

I asked the boy why he needed to get into the box.  He said that he and his brother were lost and that they needed information on how to get home, which made perfect sense in my technicolor dream world.

I told the boys that I didn’t know how to get into the box, but my friends and I would help them find their way home.  I asked the boys which city they lived in.  It seemed like a valid question because I didn’t know which city I was in.

The older boy said they used to live in Regina, but they lived here now.  We never established where “here” was but his answer seemed to provide clarity for me.  I told them that I used to live in Regina too, which cheered the boys up – I have no idea why.

I asked them if they knew their address – they did not.  Phone number – no. Then I had the presence of mind to ask if they walked to school.  They did, so I asked which school.

Then I woke up.  More accurately, half woke up.  The boys and I (and a non-specific group of my friends and siblings) were still finding our way to the boy’s school, as the dream-fog lifted.

I don’t know for sure if the two blonde boys were able to retrace their steps home from their school, which I presume we found.  I don’t know if they made it home safely, but my dream-self seemed confident that they would.

Doing good deeds for lost children is not the usual stuff of dreams. My dreams are more likely to involve insensitive things I have done, or situations where I am the one lost or trapped.

So, I am happy to face this day. With any luck, it will continue to be as fulfilling as my …

… Dream Day

2 Responses

  1. G

    Hi, I’ve logged in as per your suggestion but it still seems that I have to enter all kinds of stuff about who I am, etc. I would have thought the login would have done that for me. I’ll send you a screenshot.

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