Aye, Aye, Aye

Posted in: Family History, History | 4

Longview, Alberta

This worn-out Navajo rug once belonged to Ian Tyson. I don’t know if it is the one he sat on in the back of the Canyon-Colorado Diner with the waitress he did love, but today I have the good fortune of owning it.

Ian Tyson’s estate sale was held August 20th.  I couldn’t pass on an opportunity to own a piece of the legend, so I came away with some treasures.

Romeo and Juliette, the tragic Shakespearean play of lives torn apart by cultural circumstances, is an enduring love story. As is Evangeline, Wm. Wadsworth Longfellow’s epic poem about Gabriel and Evangeline, separated during the Great Expulsion of Acadians, and their lifelong search for one another.

But those are ancient stories, Navajo Rug portrays lovers separated by contemporary circumstances.

Everybody has a Katie (or a Billie), that person you knew when you were young but let slip away. The relationships we squandered in our youth because we were too reckless or insensitive, or even worse, where we never tried, shine brighter as time goes by. 

Ian Tyson’s Navajo Rug is a magic carpet.  Click on the link and take it for a ride through your memories of long-lost love,… 

… Aye, Aye, Aye!

4 Responses

  1. Valerie Guillemin

    I agree with Scott – never going to forget the opportunity we had to see him live – a true legend.

    • Russ Paton

      That decade marker is almost at an end. I have no clue who could fill Ian’s boots in 2025…. Happy to hear suggestions.

  2. Nephew Scott

    So awesome! Many Ian Tyson songs have woven themselves into the soundtrack of our lives on this branch of the family bush. We are genuinely and truly grateful for the opportunity to have seen him play in a very intimate setting on a beautiful ranch in the foothills 😉

    • Russ Paton

      Thanks Scott, there aren’t many songs you can listen to 1000 times and still look forward to the next. Tyson has dozens of them.

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