A Monkey’s Uncle

Posted in: History, Travel | 0

U S of A

Well, I’ll be a Monkey’s Uncle!

You don’t hear the expression very often anymore, which is a pity.  When people encounter something surprising or learn an unusual fact, it is fun to tell the world you are so incredulous you could be another species. 

Bear and I hope to rekindle use of the phrase this week as we look for oddities in the U S of A.

We will be driving a motorhome along highways that roughly follow the western portion of John Steinbeck’s route when he was gathering inspiration for his book “Travels with Charlie, in Search of America”, but backwards.

This is our Rocinante. Jump in, let’s go find …

… A Monkey’s Uncle.

Each time we spot an unusual item along our route this week, we will give it a Monkey’s Uncle award.  Let’s see how many we can find.

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