The geolocation feature on my phone put me in Kew yesterday. Last week my phone thought I was in Alhambra.

Alhambra, Alberta,
not Alhambra, Spain.

I have been to both places; they each have a certain charm.

The weather in Alberta was nice last week, but …..
… even better in Spain.

There are subtle differences in the architectural style of the two Alhambra’s.
See if you can spot them.

If you decide to visit, there are Airbnb rentals available in both Alhambra’s in January. A cabin near Alhambra, Alberta is advertised for $166 per night, and you can bring your horse. An apartment in Spain with a view of the palace is only $146 per night. Both seem very reasonable.

Cozy Cabin Horse Hotel
Dar Al Ana Apartment

Alhambra Fun Facts:
Alhambra Spain was the Royal Court of Ferdinand and Isabella. This is where Christopher Columbus received royal endorsement and financial support for his expedition to the Americas in 1492.

Alhambra, Alberta was once named Horseguard. It was re-named when the railroad arrived in 1914. The community took its name from Alhambra in Spain, in an attempt to share some of that place’s glory.
It is a matter of taste, but Alhambra, Alberta may have fallen a little short.

Both Alhambra’s have lovely mountain views…

Sunrise at Alhambra.
Alhambra at Sunrise.

If you could visit only one, which would it be, Alhambra or …
… Alhambra?
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