7 Responses

  1. Gervais Goodman

    So here’s a funny thing, I tried to “like” this post but was told that I had to have a WordPress account to do this. H’mm. Consider the post “liked”. 🙂
    BTW, thank you for the photo credits, always appreciated.

    • Russ

      I wondered why I wasn’t getting many “Likes” from the website. The only one I have had was from someone who probably has WordPress. I will look into that – Thanks.

    • Russ

      I fixed that “Like” item, if you push enough buttons, anything is possible….

  2. robert vogan

    Glad to be along for the ride. Never been driven by a bear before!

    • Russ

      She is a Safety Bear, so No Worries. Having you along will be like traveling with our very own Wizard!

  3. Myra

    Looking forward to the virtual journey with you Got out my sparkly red shoes, broom and pointy hat just for the occasion
    Safe Travels

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